Lice in My Hair
I thought before I came to Thailand that I had received all the vaccination shots I needed and enough medication for anything that might occur while I was here as per the recommendations of the Travel Department at Palo Alto Medical, but to my surprise, the one thing that I could not have protected myself against was lice. I have contracted lice, probably from the children and there is little I can do about it. I could get medicine, but a week later I would have lice again. In Thailand, lice in the hair is just another thing that I must learn to deal with, and I have begun to think of them as my pets (that was a bad joke!) The girl who was teaching at Starfish Country Home School before me also had to learn to deal with them, and she said that she bought a lice comb that helped to keep the number of lice in her hair under control. It is strange to think that the government does nothing about this. I can remember in elementary school when one student contracted lice they were sent home for several days and everyone that came into contact with the individual had their hair searched for lice. Oh well, I will just have to wait to get back to the Untied States before I can get rid of them because I’m not about to shave my hair.
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